Emma Gebhard
Wardrobe Stylist/Creative Director/Female Model/Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist/Retoucher: Emma r Gebhardt @emmasdilemmasstyle
Photographer: King Simi @simi_automatic
Photographer: Amanda Mae @pearcy.jeff
Model: Kayla M Kay
Model: Gigi Michele @gigimichelemodel
Model: Jaime Kitt Osborne @jkittcarson
Model: Julianna Mogul @juliannamogul
Model: Kazoua Thao @kazouathaoo
Hi, My name is Emma Gebhardt, From: Emma’s Dilemmas!
Emma’s Dilemmas was started with a dream, created by a girl with struggles who worked hard to the bone to overcome them, and when Emma’s Dilemmas was born....magic happened, and my insecurities as a person and artist vanished and I became confident enough to thrive in my own personal excellence.
I am a wardrobe stylist, hair & makeup artist, creative & artistic director, and model.
I strive to create difference and a piece of something unique in every article of work I produce, and my artistic integrity shines in its essence.
What makes you choose this profession?
I style the wardrobe, do all the hair & makeup, creative and artistic directory, and model in all my shoots...not many people know that...but I also do all those things for other people, artists, creatives, and models...and my goal is to make women, and just people in general feel absolutely beautiful, confident, and comfortable with who they are.
My styling business is where I shine...I style the wardrobe and do hair & makeup on models, or people for their events...and it makes me so happy to see how excited people get when they see the final result after i’ve done my work...and hear them say…”I am beautiful!”
That is what I live for, and that is why I do what I do!
Could you share how you expand your vision of art, fashion?
My vision is to create a beautiful form of truity...tell a story, my story, someone else’s story, be genuine in all its honest, and beautiful, and create a piece of artistic fashion looks that show a person’s true emotions, what they have been through...who they really are. I want to tell an exciting and vibrant story, leave nothing untold, and give light to the things that may be dark.
What do you think about your work? Is it what you like, or simply saying a dream?
I think my work is a testament to who I am as a person. I have been through an incredible amount of pain in my life, still live to tell the tale, and remain lightful in my journey, and that shows a lot of growth. In my work, I like to show the viewers and show to my own self...just how far that I have truly come after such hardships I faced as a teen. I never want anyone to go through what I did, so I hope through my modeling, artistic and creative direction, hair & makeup artistry, and wardrobe styling...I can inspire people to do what they love, because as for me? I love what I do, and I love my work.
How do you prepare your new shoot?
Honestly I have a natural ability to just wing the creative process...about 20 minutes before I prepare the lookbooks for my wardrobe styling portion of the shoot, I gather the garments from my own personal vintage collection, and head to the shoot. I also wing the makeup looks and somehow it just all falls together, into place, and usually looks absolutely stunning...which I am super proud of my ability to do so. There is no rhyme or reason for preparing for a new shoot...but I can tell you this, I am extremely particular and a perfectionist...everything has to be the way I envision it, and it has to look beautiful! Like a piece of visual art, because that is my goal, to create stunning visual beauty, and an artistic creation of an editorial piece of fashion.